Do you think this is changing or is it still the burden of the wife?
As the husband in my marriage, I am doing the majority of the cleaning, laundry, yard work, care for the dog and share in the cooking. I do this for my wife out of love and respect for her. I also serve her coffee in bed when she wakes in the morning and really anything else she requires me to do that day. We entered into a Female Led Relationship over a year ago.
My wife is a school teacher and works very hard. She is certainly worthy of all I do for her. I am not a stay-at-home husband. I work as a consultant for major clients across the nation and my pay check is much larger than my wives. That said, in our relationship I look at her as the decision maker in most cases. This relationship dynamic has worked wonderfully for us but I know it’s not right for every couple.
Don't assume my wife sits around the house and does nothing. She works hard at her job and is a very good cook. When I travel for business, she of course takes care of everything I normally do when I am there except maybe the laundry.
I see women continue to fall into the same trap as they go from relationship to relationship. Early on they get caught up in the romance then when the male get comfortable and starts doing less and expecting more the female gets upset because she again is doing the majority of the physical and emotional work.
Men should be expected to do more in the relationship. This is only going to happen if the female establishes this from the start, as a pre requisite for the relationship moving forward. As my wife tells her co workers and friends, “we do more than is expected for each other.”