I detect bitterness in the tone of the author and many responses.
I am on my second marriage. I married at 55 and we are 8 years in and still in love. We have bother worked very hard in our respective careers. She is 20 years younger than me.
I am in fact a non smoker, and in better shape than the majority of people in their 20’s. My wife grew in Europe. She appreciates what she has and that includes me! We are very happily married and often get asked what is the secret to a happy marriage? Communication, common values, a strong faith and we do more for each other than is expected.
As mentioned, we waited a long time. Got to really know each other. We met in 2011 and got married in 2016.
Marriage is a very personal experience, so would rather be single. I really enjoy being married. I enjoy caring for my wife. Sharing experiences or just hanging out together.
For me this till death do us part.