I see the point, however, it's way more complicated than that. Faith, values, political beliefs, kid, or no kids, common passions and hobbies. To leave those elements out and the relationship is going to have problems down the road.
For example; my ex wife, smart, athletic, insecure, self centered and faith was different than mine. She came from a upper middle class large family. She was okay in bed but most of the time distracted and overly conservative.
My current wife from Europe, family lived under communism till 1989. Father worked in a copper mine and she had an older brother. They were close, valued each other and everything they had. Strong faith in God, Catholic, took care of family and neighbors. By American standards considered poor. My current wife is smart, kind, extremely hard working, she is a saver, she is also beautiful and fantastic in bed and out. So I am one breaking the stereotype.