I truly feel your pain. I live in Central California, and I cannot think of a time I was not on a bike since the day I was given a Schwinn Stingray at age five in the 60’s.
I have always been into fitness and after moving to California in 1996 I got more involved in cycling which included mountain bike riding and road cycling which led to racing on a cycling team in both road and mountain bike racing.
Some of my worst injuries have come from cycling. The more you ride the greater your ability and that leads to taking risks often to continue to improve or compete. This resulted in emergency room visits but did not keep me off the bike for long.
Many drivers believe cyclist don’t have a right to share the same roads or simply don't pay attention. I have seen some friends get taken out by cars either leading to serious injuries or death.
I used to train on the road three to five days a week and was in the best shape of my life from running, riding and doing weight workouts.
Then life got in the way along with age. Work relocations to different cities and just getting older has made me unmotivated to get on the bike on a regular basis. I keep saying next week but next week is always seven days away and I always have something else that is taking priority.