Okay, since you mentioned your experience, I will first tell you mine. Forty five years of health and fitness training. Competed in Bodybuilding Competition on a National level. Light heavyweight and Heavy weight class winner in many contest and placed 2nd in class in Mr New York.
Some of the best muscle building exercise were not mentioned or were given less credit to building muscle in your article. Here are my thoughts.
Squats are a primary muscle building exercise for legs along with leg presses. If a person is serious about packing on muscle then they should be doing squats and leg presses.
Seated and standing presses with as much weight as you can handle for 8-10 reps for 4 to 6 sets.
Barbell bench press;
It a primary exercise I rely on for packing on upper body muscle. Many don’t to this exercise because they don’t feel strong doing it. However, I encourage everyone to incorporate it in the chest routine.
Dumbbell flys works the outer chest better that any other exercise.
Incline barbell press;
Not only improves balance but builds upper chest muscles.
Barbell Deadlift are one of the best total body exercise a person do. It works the back, the legs the shoulders and core.
This only matters if the person shows up and puts an effort into muscle building and fitness including cardio for a given period of time. The time in the gym does not include the time they are on their phone, texting, taking pictures or talking to others.