Sira, I love this article. I can relate to it on many levels.
My ex-wife was attractive, intelligent and had a great career and was also very insecure and constantly competing with me. I looked for ways to support her and the support was rarely was returned from her. She wanted the attention to be on her. It is also about respecting your spouse.
In the end I realized she did not respect me. She did not love me like a person should who is married.
My current wife is beautiful inside and out. rarely does she make negative comments about others. She is extremely giving to others and children are drawn to her. It is truly amazing to watch how she finds way to connect with them.
My wife is physically attractive. I have witnessed other men make a move on her yet when I see it, I do not overreact. I trust her completely and know she is in control and handles the situation appropriately.
We rarely disagree which surprises many people. I just say that when she is upset it is because I did something wrong. Either I quickly admit it or try to laugh it off but, in the end, I was wrong and she is just pointing it out more so because she not only loves me but also cares for me.
I have been with my current wife since 2011 and still catch my breath sometime when I look at her. She has most of the qualities you mention. She makes me a better person.