Morgan LeBlanc
2 min readApr 21, 2022


So much of this site is filled with misinformation by people who enjoy writing and are not scientist or politicians.

I am certainly not a writer but have done technical writing for over 30 years as part of my job as an Environmental Health and Safety Professional.

I have worked for many major companies including at Eastman Kodak in the 80's where I was an industrial Hygienist and Respiratory Protection Specialist. We had to ensure people and work were trained on how to wear a mask (respiratory protection), teach them the requirements of inspection before use, how to make sure it fit properly and how to clean it.

All the things that should have happened during a pandemic where the government required mask but did not discuss and of the requirements that actually made a mask useful in protecting a person from an air borne disease.

There are now multiple studies that show the use of mask did not have much of a positive impact. But that has not stopped the admissions touting them as the ultimate protection again Covid. Many people just go along without questioning politicians, it much easier to remain clueless than do some actual investigation.

It's like walking through the TSA scanner thinking that it will protect people from terrorist. Yet I go though and every time they say there is something in my knee area and pat me down while ignoring the knife I forgot that was in my pocket.

As far the environment and cleaning up the carbon emissions. This such a disaster and blaming the right is easy. But it's all wrong.

I was around when the clean air act was around during the Bush Senior Administration.

America is made some improvements but certainly has been costly. A lot of the cost going to politicians , there family members and donors.

Of course by this article I guess you assume that environmental problems just stop at the borders of the United States.

What about India, China, and Africa and even Ukraine right now?

I could talk for days about environmental protection because that is my job but I would lose the audience after 15 minutes.

The majority want sensationalism and drama. They want to blame someone without doing any work themselves.



Morgan LeBlanc
Morgan LeBlanc

Written by Morgan LeBlanc

EH&S Professional who has a passion for physical fitness, and relationship development. I am the guy who always wants to stop and pet a dog.

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