Sounds familiar; after 23 years of marriage in August 2011, my wife decided that she wanted a divorce. We lived together while a new house was built for her which I paid for.
She sent a text to, who she thought was a friend and it was sent to me that; she could not wait to move out of the house.
In her mind, the grass was greener on the other side of the fence and she would quickly find the guy with a hot body, who loved yoga and made lots of money!
The reality was that the grass was greener for me; I was initially heartbroken that the person I knew and loved for so long was not in love with me. Before she moved out, I had met someone who I would later marry. As they say, "Karma is a bitch".
A couple of months later when she found out I was dating she was furious, as she put it; “how could I start dating someone so quickly after our split, didn’t twenty-three years of marriage mean anything to me?” The truth was that she thought after the split I would continue to pine for her while she went off and dated other guys.
Nine years later she has stumbled from guy to guy, while I remarried four years ago to a woman that truly respects and loves me for who I am.
Unfortunately, my college-age daughter felt like she often had to take sides, and more often it was my ex-wife’s side she took. As she put it, I have to be with mom since she doesn’t have anyone else.
Divorce sucks and you think if you plan it out you can minimize the pain but the truth is that someone is always going to be hurt.