The Amazon culture is so much worse than you describe.
When I was there as a senior manager I reported to someone who was 28 years my Jr. Amazon purposely hires the majority of their managers right out of college so they can groom them in the ways of Amazon. The average life of an Amazon employee is 2.5-3.0 years.
On the team I was on there were five managers reporting to this manager (Nick named “Little Hilter”) he was aware of this nickname and believe he relished it.
At the time my manger and others on his level were manipulating the reporting of incidents. I refused to go along. I had at this point over 25 years of industrial experience and was not going to risk my personal and professional reputation to play the game, although I did put my job at risk because I was not as they said a team player.
As a senior manager. I helped open a million square foot building in Southern California. A month after the building opened then replaced out the general manger with someone else the director liked better.
Another thing that was done was a hourly employee could rank their own supervisor. So if I had a hard conversation to an employee about doing something wrong then he could get in the system and rank me poorly.
Example of this was; one of my employees would rush to work, and park in the handicap spot close to the entrance. When I found out, I wrote him up. He didn’t like it and rated me poorly.
We had an employee population at the fulfillment center of around 1000 people.
On average a hundred would be fired a week. I estimate that fifty percent were not cut out to stand ten hours a day and do this type of production work. Many would get tired and claim they were injured, go to first aid. Some admitted they were just tired and needed to sit a while.
I was physically threatened by an employee. The employee admitted he threatened me to the HR manager. During a review later they decided not to terminate the employee because the feared a discrimination lawsuit.
When annual review came around my manager also used the employee ranking of the supervisor. He ranked his team 1-5. It didn’t matter that we all could have equal strengths or weaknesses. I left a year after I was hired and happy to do so. Like most who leave Amazon, it takes a few weeks to get past the abuse that you endure while being there.
There are so many more stories about the abusive culture but ultimately money is the drive for Amazon and it overrides the respect for people that work there.