This is an excellent article; it addresses the important elements of a successful marriage and, at the same time why they fail.
From the start of my first marriage, there were red flags. I assumed like many people who started dating, I could work with my wife on her beliefs and show her a different view. See the positives in things that bothered her. She admitted that she struggled in relationships. She made it clear that she didn’t want children. Five years into the marriage we had a daughter.
As we raised her my wife made my daughter her best friend because she had trouble making friends with other women. She treated our daughter like a mini-me. When I would disagree, I was wrong because I didn’t spend enough time with our daughter. Our daughter became completely spoiled. My wife said if I didn’t like it I could get the fuck out. One day after an episode of the conversation ending with that phrase, I went upstairs and packed a bag. She said where are you going. I said, “I am leaving”. She acted shocked.
We separated for 6 months. We got back together but she just got worse. She cut me off sexually. There was no trust in the marriage, and she became more bitter. At the same time, I was advancing in my career. I was traveling more, and she was moving up hers.
She got breast implants, became a yoga instructor on the side and told me she wanted a divorce because she was no longer in love with me.
We separated again; I started dating a person who would eventually become my wife. My first wife got jealous and tried to win me back. We tried dating again but she made it clear it would be on her term. I admit I like a strong woman but this was just a person who was punishing me for what she believed everything I had done wrong in life.
I eventually married Krystyna and we are going on 10 incredible years. I honestly love being married. I do the majority of the house work I do lots of cooking because she really appreciates it. In turn, if I ask her to help me with something, she will be right there lending a hand. We even changed the oil in her car the other day together!