Well, it’s interesting how young people think life is over at age 50. Elise is clearly intelligent if she was working as a Chief Financial Officer.
That said it’s good to have people you know who can advise you at any level. Think of it as your personal board room advisors or team. I have two financial advisors. I have two small companies and I retired at age 60 and then went back to work at age 61 as an EH&S and Project Management consultant.
I know there are many people like me who hate to take money from my retirement account. You become addicted to watching your investments grow.
I have not sold anything yet that holds value. Collectable Cars (3), or home in California or property in Europe. My point being that I did plan my retirement without factoring assets like the home or the collector cars. I made sure I had enough for emergencies and I have a wife that still works full time as a teacher.
Elise can always go back to work as an advisor or a consultant after she is healthy again.
Positivity has a lot to do with how and where people end up in life. Always have a plan B.