Well that is frickin depressing. Good thing I have a competitive spirit at age 63. I still run, walk, go to the gym and lift weights. I watch what I eat and have always used my waist line ask a marker. Same size pants as I wore in HS.
Americans as majority tend to plan for next week instead of five and ten years down the road. That is why most are unprepared to retire financially and if you don’t have your health in most case everything else will not matter.
I tried to retire at 59.5 years of age. I was grinding away at work and toward the end I was putting away 25 percent of my pay in a 401K.
I could not wait to kick back and retire and restore the 69 Mach1.
Then a friend talked me into consulting and that was three years ago. In this case I am able to set the schedule that suits and still enjoy time with my wife and dogs.